Laser Tag

In vitae turpis massa sed elementum. Diam vel quam elementum pulvinar etiam non quam.

Laser Tag

Curabitur dapibus ut orci eget congue. Morbi eu diam vel neque lacinia eleifend. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam in feugiat arcu.

Cras in velit vulputate, fermentum elit non, euismod dolor. Vestibulum cursus tempor nisi, nec molestie nisl dapibus eu. Nam a lorem eu eros viverra semper non sit amet metus.

Mountain Bike Track

Experience the rush of our newly-built mountain bike track that winds through the picturesque Australian bushland.

Adventure Park

At Yarra Adventure Park, choose from a range of exciting adventures set up to enjoy – and challenge. 

Our adventure activities are designed to cater to all ages and skill levels, providing a fun and challenging experience for everyone.

From pristine bushland to a beautiful beach, there’s no shortage of thrilling activities to choose from. Here are just a few suggestions:

Explore Our